Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Art of Place - Chandler Center for the Arts

Opening January 17, 2015, the Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph VT will host the Art of Place.  The show called for artist's depiction of location that was not necessarily based in a literal interpretation, but more the idea of place as a starting point for inspiration and source material.  Details about the show are at the bottom of this post.  I regret to say that I will be out of town for the opening but I do hope you will go and send me pictures!

Two of my pieces were selected for the show:

Michelle Saffran "Peter 1972 #2"  sewn photo-collage  37" x 39"  2015

Michelle Saffran  "20960 Mada Street"  sewn photo-collage  19" x 37"  2012
The show was a perfect fit for my interest in memory and its re-creation of the past.  For those of you who have been following my work you are already familiar with my thoughts on memory, experience and identity.  Below is the statement that I submitted with the work.

As we navigate the world our senses become entwined with the physicality of each environment we 

pass through. The co-mingling of kinesthetic experience with the reality of a place become stored in 

the mind and body as memory. Each experience of a place contains elements of the past, the present 

and the future, all within the same instant. I am interested in the photographic image as a means for 

collapsing and unifying discordant time and as a site for recollecting the experience of place, and 

how that becomes as an element of personal identity.

Central to the work is the necessity of altering the surface of the photographic print. Primarily this 

mark making has taken the form of thread on paper. The act of slicing, sewing and collaging 

photographs into a new image allows for the telling of a narrative that may recall an experience but 

represents it in a “not quite right” manner. An unsettling process that takes the familiar and throws it 

to chance; an uncanny disturbance between what is real and what is imagined. The denigration of 

the image takes a photograph of something known, an image that is traceable to a physical location, 

and rebuilds it into an unfamiliar scene that offers an indexical relationship to the real.

The source photographs for “20969 Mada Street” and “Peter 1972 #2” are snapshots that I took 

when I was a child, the former being of my grandmother's house and the later being a portrait of 

my brother.

Art of Place

January 17  6 - 9  opening reception with food, music and cash bar

January 18  11am moderated artist panel discussion 

March 8 show closes

Chandler Center for the Arts

71 - 73 Main Street, Randolph, VT  05060

Office phone:  728-9878

Gallery Hours

Fridays 3 - 5

Saturdays and Sundays  12 - 2

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